Thomson Flight: delay, cancellation, compensation, claim, what to do ?

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If you’ve ever travelled with, or otherwise plan to travel with, Thomson Flight, it is essential that you understand their claims procedure. A maximum of €600 can be claimed back due to flight delays incurred when flying with Thomson Flight. Claims can be made to Thomson Flight in the six years following the incident; however, delays caused as a result of strike action cannot be blamed on the company and so cannot be claimed for.


Every traveller has the right to know their rights, and doing so will allow you to travel happily and safely this year. Even people who have insurance will need to make sure that they understand their rights. This will allow you to understand all of the avenues that you need to take in order to ensure that the claims process is as swift and easy as possible, in the event that you might need to claim for compensation.


It is worth remembering that all travel companies will be hesitant to give out money for claims, as doing so can cost them large amounts of money. You might be entitled to money back for a cancelled flight, for example. Having your facts set out and your claim clearly explained will help you make your case clearly, thereby giving the travel company little reason to refuse your claim. Because, let’s be honest: no one wants to spend more time arguing about a claim than they have to.


Getting Compensation


If you feel that you have not been treated fairly by Thomson Flight, you are entitled to claim compensation on your travel fees through companies such as us at Indemniflight. Indeed, as per the EC Regulation 261/2004, you are entitled to make a claim for any physical or financial difficulties or losses that you develop as a result of the airline’s actions.


But what does this cover ?


If your flight has been cancelled or delayed will be the most common cause for a Thomson Flight customer to want to get compensation. A flight delay or canceled flights will often result in people having to book hotels or accommodation in order to wait for the next flight—at a potentially significant loss to themselves.


Alternatively, in the case of a cancellation, you might need to book onto another flight instead in order to get to your destination on time; if this is the case, you will also be at a financial loss and so should be deserving of a claim.


Either way, whether the problem is due to the company choosing to cancel flight that you were on or if the problem was due to a delayed flight, you will be entitled to compensation in order to offset your financial losses.


Compensation for Flight Delays


When it comes to getting compensation for your losses, particularly in the event that you have been subjected to financial losses when the company cancels a flight, you will be deserving of money back.


For travel within the EU, you will be able to claim up to €250 if your travel was up to 1,500km. In addition to this, for within EU travelling, you will be able to claim up to €400 when you travel over this distance.


The same above payments are made in the event of a non EU flight, with the exception of one rule. For non EU destinations that are more than 3,500km flight away, and where flight delays result in a delay for over four hours, travellers can make a claim for a maximum of €600.


Compensation, as detailed above, can be arranged for both EU travellers and non EU travellers.


When to Claim Compensation ?


If you are looking to claim reimbursement from Thomson Flights for a flight that did not go to plan then it is important that you make sure to complain quickly.


How to Claim Compensation ?


There are a number of different ways in which you can go about claiming compensation, but the easiest way for sure is to hire a skilled and experienced team of reimbursement experts to help you. We at Indemniflight pride ourselves on being able to offer the highest standard of advisory services in the industry.


So long as you have your Thomson flight number and receipt, as well as the date for the travel and the problems that you have faced, we will be able to help you make your case. This will allow you to sit back and relax while we work to help you get the money back that you so desperately deserve.


Claiming Compensation: What Can I Get?


If you have been made out of pocket due to a delay with Thomson Flights’ service then you are entitled to receive money back from the company. Perhaps you have had to deal with a canceled flight; otherwise, if Thomson Flight decides to cancel flight for your journey, then you may also incur other expenses as well.


The company will need to offer you reimbursements for a number of different reasons, and the amount of money that you will receive will vary based on the length of the flight.


The amount that you will be able to receive can be as large as the following:


  • £220 for journeys of 1,500km or under
  • £350 for journeys of 1,501km to 3,500km
  • £530 for journeys of 3,501km or longer


The above totals are largely based on the duration and the circumstance surrounding the delay; for flights that have been delayed for between 3 and 4 hours, you will likely only be entitled for a refund of 50% (half) of the above prices. This would result in the following reimbursements for delayed of between 3 and 4 hours:


  • £110 for journeys of 1,500km or under
  • £175 for journeys of 1,501km to 3,500km
  • £265 for journeys of 3,501km or longer


Claims can generally be made for individuals who have made it to their destination more than two hours in advance of the delay being announced. In the event of cancellations, you should be able to claim a refund or partial refund in the event that there have been two or more cancels that have thusly affected you negatively.


What About Strikes ?


If your travel and flight has been affected by a strike then the rules surrounding compensation are somewhat different. Since a strike is not within the control of the airline itself, and is instead due to the workers of the airline, EU rules state that the airline may not be held accountable for any delays caused by strikes or strike action. However, in these events, it will still be down to Thomson itself to provide you with an alternative flight, and so it is important that you still show up on time for your flight in the event that the alternate flight takes off at short notice.


However, this is not always the case in every circumstance. Indeed, if your flight delay has been caused as an indirect result of the strike action—ie. when the strike is over—then Thomson will be liable and you will be eligible to claim for the delay. This might, for example, be seen in the event of a strike causing your seat to accidentally be given to another passenger whose flight had not taken off.


Getting money back in the event of a strike can be incredibly confusing for many people. We get it. If you need specific advice in terms of your after strike reimbursement claim, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team to learn about your options for getting reimbursements for your financial losses.


Who Are Thomson Flight ?


Thomson Flight are an air travel company that specialises in providing high quality air travel options for people looking to fly from the UK and Ireland to the majority of mainland Europe.


The company was founded originally in 1964, under the name of Euravia, and has since gone on to have many other different names and titles, as well as integrating many other different airline companies into its own.


These numerous different names included Britannia Airways, later on that same year; Orion Airways, who were incorporated into the group in 1989 (just ten years after its original founding); the name of Thomson Fly then came about in 2005; and then, to finish all of the mergers and name changes off, Air 2000 was also added in 2008.


The company is well known for being a good employer, and it will often be reported that the customer service for the flight company is friendly and helpful. In 2010, Thomson were awarded with the Mercury Award for Skills Development as well.




These many mergers have resulted in the company being one of the biggest providers of flight and travel services in the UK. Thomson recently went under yet another rebranding as recently as May 2015, where it was announced that Thomson Flight would be changing its name and brand to TUI; this new change would cover all of the five airline subsidiaries as well as the main airline.


The final adverts for the Thomson brand was made in the last months of 2016. Following on from this, the rebranding was set about with full force; ironically, though, the last of the airlines to be fully rebranded was Thomson Flights itself, whose rebranding process finished in the latter months of 2017.




Thomson Flight has its offices in Bedfordshire, near Luton, at the Wigmore House. This is an ideal position for the company to be operated from, considering the proximity to Luton Airport; indeed, Thomson’s headquarters are actually adjacent to (joining alongside) the airport itself.


How Much Does Thomson Make ?


The company is one of the biggest in the UK, partially owing to the many different mergers that have been undertaking in its history. As such, it is therefore no surprise to people to learn that the company transports a huge number of people on holiday on an annual basis; in 2018, the company had 11,167, 287 passengers flying and holidaying through it.


In addition to this, though the 2018 passenger figures were slightly down (0.77% fewer people holidaying in 2018 than normal), the company seems to have a relatively good track record for attracting new travellers; in 2015, 2016 and 2017 alike, it had a year on year increase in passenger numbers of 2.4%, 3.1% and 2.9% respectively.


As such, the company’s influence and power in the air travel industry is clear to see. The majority of these aforementioned people would have been travelling with the company as part of a tour package; the majority of the scheduled flights are for the purpose of transporting holiday makers for tour operator companies.


Where They Fly To


Thomson offers a large number of different destinations for travellers, with its fleet of 60 Boeing planes. The majority of the company’s flights are made to the Caribbean, the Meditteranean and the Indian Ocean. They also offer flights to a number of other destinations on a seasonal basis, such as Copenhagen, Dublin, Helsinki, Oslo, and Stockholm.


Luggage Allowances


There are varying different luggage allowances between different travel providers. Thomson typically allows passengers aboard their flights luggage of between 15 and 20kg in weight, with an additional 10kg of hand luggage also being allows. The hand luggage is free to take on board, and must measure at no more than 55x40x20cm.


How Long Have I Got to Claim?


Many people find that they miss out on potentially large sums of money because they haven’t claimed for their flight compensation. However, this shouldn’t be a reason to stop you, because there is actually quite a long duration of time for you to make your claim!


A claim in the aftermath of a flight delay that causes you financial losses can be made to Thomson for approximately six years. This is the case for both standard flight delays, and delays that are caused in the aftermath of strike action; claims cannot be made to Thompson for delays caused by strike action directly, though, because in these cases it is not the fault of the airline for the delay. However, at times of strikes, Thomson should help you by offering free cancellations or alternative flights.


Get Professional Help !


There is so much to understand with modern flight compensation claims, which is why it is so important for you to get professional help. Our team are experts at helping people make a claim for reimbursement, so contact us today; send us an email or open new tickets, or even do things the old fashioned way by mailing us to our postal address!

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