Tui : flight delay, cancelled, claim, compensation ?

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All You Need to Know on Flight Delays, Cancellation and Claiming Compensation.


TUI (formerly Thomson Airways) is one of the best performing airlines in the UK. This airline route network consists of 57 airplanes, and it has a total of 96 different destinations. Therefore, this makes it the 3 rd largest UK airline. TUI, having transported over 11.2 million passengers in 2018, it is considered the world’s largest charter airline. Formally known as Thomson Airways; However, it is necessary to change its legality at TUI at the end of 2017. TUI’s punctuality when it comes to its services tend to differ. In 2018 it was an ante rate of 68.22%. Thus, based on this arrival rate, you can expect cancellations. And when this happens, it is a condition of 261.

So? What is the probability of getting into the air or getting back? The probability may be low but never be zero, right? So, as you know, every day, but sometimes you need to know, and you will need to know what to do next. Therefore, we can help you in your case.

TUI always reminds their customers that they should keep checking or not checking. As a frequent traveler, you need to ask yourself some questions like, “What should I do if my flight gets canceled or delayed?” When should I file for compensation? What steps should I follow to be compensated? work? Worry less because

Therefore, let’s have a look at flight delay and cancellation and their reimbursement plan.


TUI, flight delay and cancellation


Despite of being named World’s Best Leisure Airline for five years in a row, they are not perfect too. As you know, unfortunately, sometimes delays do not happen. So, if your flight is delayed, here is everything you need to know, including how to claim.


When are you going to claim, and How much will I be paid?


First, to see if you’re going to be delayed, keep checking on the up-to-date information on TUI’s Flight Departures page.

After confirmation that your flight has been delayed, here are what you should do.

The first thing you should know is that you are entitled to get rid of it. This is according to EU Regulation 261 (EC261). Thus, how much will you be paid to depend on the length and circumstance of your flight delay. According to TUI themselves, they are eligible for reimbursement. Their delay is based on the time that your aircraft is operating at your scheduled destination.

Since they used the word “MAY,” this means that we are not eligible for compensation. It is essential to understand this to be compensated. The delays that will not be compensated include the following:


  • Bad weather
  • An air traffic control strike

So, as long as it has been taken into account, then compensation will not be made. But in case you are eligible for reimbursement, the amount to be compensated will depend on distance and delay duration.


(AT). For all flights of 1,500 km or less (B). For all intra-Community (Europe to Europe) flights of more than 1,500 km, or all other flights between 1,500-3,500 km (C). For all flights not falling under categories A or B, except for flights delayed less than four hours *
250 euros 400 euros 600 euros


If you experience a flight delay for over 3500 km, then you are eligible to get 300 euros per person as reimbursement.


How do you claim for compensation?


For better service when claiming for reimbursement from this carrier, use indemniflight. Here you can find the time and satisfaction that you need. So, for the smooth, stress-free, zero-fee, and reliable compensation, indemniflight is your ideal destination.

To make a claim, you will start by filling out this form . In this form, you will be required to provide all your:

  • Flight and booking details for an easy reviewing process. (ie, departure date, departure airport, and arrival airport)
  • Claimants contact details – (ie, passenger name, DOB, Tel numbers, etc.)
  • Additional passengers (s) you ‘re claiming for the most 20 passengers, including yourself.

One thing you should not be able to make a claim. So, you’re ready to submit your request, we can submit by clicking on our submitters and we are ready to work on your complaint.


Can I still file reimbursement complains I accept vouchers on that day?


No, you can not. Why? Simply because it acts a compensation already. According to EU Regulation 261/2004, the terms and conditions of the agreement, the payment of the customer, the transfer of the customer, the check, the transfer, the checks, the travel vouchers, and any other agreement signed .

So, by agreeing on vouchers you are accepting that as your compensation. Therefore, if your flight is delayed, you are denied boarding, it is better to ask for a form of reimbursement that you like. Accepting other forms which will make it very difficult to claim compensation. Thus it is advisable to refuse vouchers and instate your claim that you are going to make a claim for monetary compensation.


What if you did not fly with TUI?


Some of you may find themselves in this kind of situation. You booked a TUI holiday but used a different flight from a different airline. Therefore, in this case, you do not have TOM flight numbers. This will leave you with one option, and that is -file your claim directly to the airline.

Remember, you have the right to be compensated. To learn more about your rights, you can find full information on the Civil Aviation Authority’s Website .

So, just a little recap before we continue. First, start by checking on your flights at Flight Departures page. After that, identify the reason why it has been delayed or canceled, and whether the airline has taken appropriate measures to prevent it. After doing that, you can now fill the claim form. Doing these words gives you a clear picture or record of what the issue is. The record also helps you to have a piece of evidence in your case against the right to compensate you, which is an essential record when disputing your claim in the court.


What is EU Regulation 261?


Not every one of us knows what EU Regulation 261 really stands for. So, you might be asking yourself, “what does it do?” “what does it stand for?” or “how to go about it with this law?”. So, for your information, EU Regulation 261/2004 is a law involving flight compensation.

This law was specifically introduced to protect passengers against loss that comes in case a flight is delayed or canceled. Thus a passenger can claim reimbursement for a delayed (3 hours or more) or canceled flight over the last six years. With this law, you are eligible to be compensated unless the cancellation or delay was due to an extraordinary circumstance.


But, What Are Extraordinary Circumstances?


To be successful in claiming compensation and in avoiding wasting your time following up what can’t be paid’, you should understand the legal definition of extraordinary circumstances. Thus, according to EU law on Flight compensation, the legal description for extraordinary circumstances is a “situations where flight delays or flight cancellations are out of the ordinary and outside of the airline’s control.”

And according to the European Court of Justice, “The extraordinary event is not inherent in the normal exercise of the activity of the air carrier and is beyond the actual control of that carrier on account of its nature or origin.” It is a similar thing, right?

However, the definition is not that clear, according to the regulatory body. Thus, this has resulted in airlines fighting in court over what it exactly stands for. This is because it can easily be manipulated by both parties involved –Passengers and airline companies.


When Does EU Regulation 261 Apply?

EU Regulation 261 applies to all EU airlines and flights departing from or arriving into the EU.

What Are Covered by TUI Flights EU Regulation 261?


Departing From:


Arriving To:


Claim Eligibility (Yes/No)

Airport inside EU Airport inside EU Yes –all airlines
Airport inside EU Airport outside EU Yes –all airlines
Airport outside EU Airport inside EU Yes –EU based airline only
Airport outside EU Airport outside EU No


What are the EU’s Regulations on Delayed Flights?


When it comes to reimbursement for delayed flights according to EU regulations, there are things you should know. First, regulations cover delays of at least 3 hours, which is based on arrival at the final destination airport. So, for reimbursement to work, you must be 3 hours late on arriving at your final destination. Thus, if your flight departs at least 3 hours late and the plane manages to land at your final destination in less than 3 hours, then you will not get compensated. According to EU regulations, if the flight you are taking manages to recover some of the time lost (which must be less than 3 hours), then they aren’t eligible to be reimbursed for more than 3-hours delay that it too before departing. Remember the delay times are based on the initially stipulated time

Arrival time is not determined by when the plane touches down, but the time the cabin doors are open. Thus this time will be used to define flight delays efficiently. For example, you arrive at 2 hours 47 minutes, but it took 15 minutes to for plane reach the arrival gate for the cabin doors to be opened, then you eligible to claim.


Reasons for Flight Delay


Just like there are numerous reasons for train delays and bus delays, flight delays have several reasons too. The common causes include:

  • Bad weather conditions.
  • Technical problems.
  • Crew sickness.
  • Crew going on strike.


What to Expect in Case Your Flight Is Cancelled?


According to EU regulations If your flight is canceled in less than 7 days to the day of departure or canceled on the departure day, then you are entitled to the following things.

  • Alternative flight or refund.
  • Flight delay compensation.
  • Care and assistance.

What about flight canceled 7-14 days before? If you fall into this category, you are still eligible to claim reimbursement. But regarding specifically this category, it will depend if your flight provider provides you with an alternative journey, departure, and arrival times of that flight. But as long as the new flight doesn’t delay you again (Compared to the original flight: it should not take more than 2 hours to depart and not more than 4 hours to arrive).

Bad weather: All these are to be done by the airline. So, for the case where your flight got canceled due to bad weather, then your airline provider has these responsibilities to you, which they must provide.

  • Transport to and from the hotel.
  • If you have to stay overnight, then they should provide a hotel room for you.
  • A reasonable amount of drinks and food.
  • Two phone calls, fax messages, and emails.


EU regulations 261 play an important role in ensuring that passengers covered upon flight delay or cancellation. This means you can enforce the right when denied boarding or downgrading, as well as subjected to flight delays or cancellation. Therefore, you should always keep a copy of your travel documents. These documents may include:

  • Boarding pass
  • Booking confirmation
  • E-ticket
  • Delay statement
  • Receipts for additional costs (i.e., accommodation, food, and taxi).

With all this information, you can now claim reimbursement and successfully get reimbursed.


Why use Indemniflight to file your reimbursement complaint?


There are many reasons why you should file your complaint with us. It may be due to how we handle our services or how your airline provider does. So, here are a few reasons as to why we are the best claim compensation company out here.

  • No initial fee needed to file your claim. We work on a no win no payment process of handling your claim, which means you will only pay when your claim gets rewarded.
  • We work with professional claim experts and are always backed with additional information on legal and accurate evidence.
  • We are rated excellent in trust pilot.
  • You can use our eligibility calculator for free to check your claim eligibility.
  • Your airline has a slow claim processing procedure that takes a significant amount of your time as compared with us.
  • Your carrier may fail to update to the state of your complaint.
  • The unwillingness of TUI to process your claim.
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